Digital Marketing & SEO
Why Digital Marketing and SEO are Crucial for Your Business
In today's rapidly evolving digital world, small businesses need to stand out among the competition and connect with their target market to succeed. This is where digital marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) come in. These tools can make a significant impact on taking your small business to new heights. Let's explore why digital marketing [...]
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Website Design
Why Website Design Matters
Originally Published: 5/2/19 Have you ever loaded a website and been immediately bombarded by blurry stock photos and neon colors straight out of an 80s dance video? It can be overwhelming, and let’s face it – website design matters. When visitors load a poorly designed website, they immediately think less of not only your online [...]
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Artificial inteligence - FusionTech Media
We Need to Talk About AI
AI, or artificial intelligence, has become a buzzword in recent years, as its potential applications have been realized. From the invention of the Roomba to the debut of Siri on the iPhone, AI has been quickly incorporated into everyday life. It has been used for social media algorithms, voice search, and AI-powered voice assistants, but [...]
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Digital content
Types of Digital Content
Different types of digital content serve different kinds of purposes. Written content will be consumed and received differently than video content. And while infographics are made to illustrate information, email is meant to convert and drive sales. There are lots of different types of content and covering them all will require a much longer blog [...]
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market research
Why Market Research is Critical to Success
According to Entrepreneur, market research is the process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information about a market, a product or service to be offered for sale in that market, and about the past, present and potential customers for the product or service. Researching the characteristics, spending habits, location, and needs of your business’s target market [...]
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5 Marketing Blogs to Follow
5 Marketing Blogs You Should Be Reading
It doesn’t hurt to keep up with the latest trends, especially when running your own business. And with ever-evolving technology and algorithms, the only way for your business to keep afloat is to stay on top of the latest digital marketing trends. Here are some of the leading blogs in the industry. Keeping up with [...]
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How to Write A Blog Post
Blog posts as a medium started as online journaling, with recipes, personal growth journeys, travel logs, and much more. It has since evolved in the web sphere into a tool for search engine optimization (or SEO). Now, any successful company has a sleek website, showcased products and services, and featured posts that provide unique and [...]
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Web Tools for Planning and Executing Blog Content
If you’ve never written a blog before, or if it’s not exactly your strong suit, there are ways of planning to get around that. You don’t have to be a professional writer to post influential blogs. There is a myriad of tools on the web to help assist you in crafting your post. Every profession [...]
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New Year, New Marketing Strategies
What resolutions have you made for the new year? Chances are, as a business owner, your resolutions include growing your business. Like a lot of companies during this time of year, you want to strategize and get ahead of the game by kicking off your New Year's marketing right away. We have some suggestions on [...]
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Holiday Digital Marketing Ideas
Digital marketing doesn’t take a break during the holiday season. Even though it’s a slower season for many businesses, you can take advantage of this time of year by getting creative in boosting your brand. The holidays are the time of year when people get together and share each other’s company. There’s also good food, [...]
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