How to Make Creative Content in an AI World
If we’ve had issues with quality writing before, it’s certainly increased in the age of artificial intelligence (or AI). Despite every writer's deepest anxieties, it’s safe to say that AI won’t replace writers and other content creators anytime soon. It’s simply not advanced enough, and Google is gradually improving its technology to determine if a [...]
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4 Ways a QR Code Can Enhance Your Marketing Strategy
In the age of digital marketing, marketers have started to use a vast array of tools for customer retention, tracking, and engagement. Let's explore one of these tools–the popular QR Code is taking the world by storm. But what is a QR code? One of those tools is the QR Code. "QR" stands for "Quick [...]
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Image of a diverse group of men and women looking at a computer and smiling
Picking the Right Digital Advertising Partner
There are a thousand digital marketing agencies out there. Some are terrible. Some are run-of-the-mill. Some companies are just one guy who works from home and knows a little about digital marketing. Some are huge corporations that have so many clients that it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. Only one of these partnerships [...]
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The Rise of AI in Digital Marketing
The Rise of AI in Digital Marketing: Exploring Transformative Trends
Artificial intelligence has been making waves in recent years. The rise in popularity has created some buzz around the topic. There are always going to be those who are apprehensive about new technology and its applications in the real world. However, artificial intelligence (AI) transforms various aspects of digital marketing, including personalization, automation, and predictive [...]
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Small Business Brand Awareness
Small Business Brand Awareness
Brand awareness is more than just getting the name of your business out there. It is becoming easily identifiable and recognizable within the industry in which you work. Brand awareness is your company’s key to building up your brand, reputation, and authority within the sphere of the enterprise you seek to dominate. If you are [...]
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Optimizing Your Website For Mobile
Tips For Optimizing Your Website For Mobile
It seems more and more can be done via our smartphones and mobile devices. As technology spreads further and more people are connected through the internet, the push for websites to optimize their platforms for a wide range of devices is ever-increasing. In the current digital era, optimizing your website for mobile devices is a [...]
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Utilize PPC for Your Small Businesses
PPC advertising can be a great tool for small businesses to increase their online visibility and drive traffic to their website. It can also pose certain challenges that business owners need to be aware of. These challenges may include the complexity of creating and managing PPC campaigns, limited budget and resources, and the need to [...]
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Digital content
Common Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
Email marketing for your business is one of the most effective ways to advertise online. Along with a bevy of digital marketing tools and strategies, email marketing can make a difference in how you grow your business and expand your reach across platforms. When done correctly, you are informing your clients of discounts, promotions, new [...]
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FusionTech Media Blog Posts
Strategies for Generating Blog Topics to Boost Your Digital Marketing Efforts
Blog content is an important aspect of digital marketing. Generating consistent blog post content helps rank your website for SEO reasons, such as building authority and trust. But there are also practical aspects of running a blog on your website, such as brand recognition. Tapping into your local market by focusing on the topics your [...]
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Increase SEO for Success
Increase Your Website’s SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial part of any successful website. SEO is the process of optimizing a website so that it appears higher on search engine results pages, making it easier for potential customers to find it. By improving the visibility of a website on search engines, businesses can attract more traffic and [...]
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